When I first entered into work as a teenager…

When I first entered into work as a teenager, Monday to Friday 9 – 5 was the standard. You got jobs through the employer themselves for the most part. It was really rare to have to work Sundays, most folk didn’t even work at the weekend in my town. You were expected to find a job for life, back when those were starting to die out. Or at least, maybe a job for many years. You were paid over time when you worked longer. You could get paid ‘sick days’ .
Childcare was available for free , or at a very low cost. Health care was free. Education was free, even our school uniforms were at least subsidized. Free school meals. Free text books. Pens and paper etc.
There was a consensus of sorts about racism being unacceptable in mainstream society. ( Dubbed ‘Political correctness by the right’)
Now I’m 40 and people are working 8 – 12 hours a day, with maybe half an hour for lunch. Unable to afford to take ‘sick leave’, struggling to pay rent , working on a shifting rota so your days off are separate and never the same week to week or month to month. Most are employed through agencies reducing pay and worker rights significantly.
Workers are as disposable as the products they have to produce.
Healthcare now costs , with a few exceptions, education costs, up to 9 grand minimum for universities now. Parents have to pay for school uniforms and school dinners.
What was once considered unacceptable is now the accepted status-quo. 

Posing For A Selfie With Nero (Kindle Edition) by Glen Hunter

Posing For A Selfie With Nero

This is where I tell you how amazing my new book is  🙂

“Initially a song writer and rap performer, he took to the spoken word scene in Glasgow in his early to mid twenties, performing regularly at spoken word events throughout Glasgow, including the West End Festival on two occasions. Two of his spoken word pieces were also featured on the Guardian website in 2014.”

#ParisAttacks (Commentary)

Since the Paris attacks there will have been numerous other ones around the world carried out by U.S/.U.K/Western forces.
Including client states behaviours, well, people are beheaded, electrocuted, beaten, stoned, lethally injected, shot, water boarded. Others dragged from their homes in the dark of the morning, adults and children shivering before execution or imprisonment.


From the battery in your phone to the cooling elements in your tablet and laptop. The rug under foot. The wood. The cotton. The coffee, the Tea etc You name it, our culture and business and government exploits it for gain. Brutally. Every time. Every war, bar-none.

How many of us have to worry about drone strikes killing our families and friends any day of the week ?

When was the last time you saw missile pieces amongst rubble baring another nations emblem in your own town or city ?


We live in gilded cages of relative safety compared to the rest of the world. You don’t think it generates extreme rage when people lose their children to western bombs ? Not just once in a while but horrifyingly frequently.


There was no WW1 or WW2 there is just war. They are named so as to be sold as one off events, or as the worst option to a dire situation. It is the constant situation.

“The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.”

And they do so daily enough for us to be so outraged and shocked, when the victims are western and mostly white of course. When they are in Tibet or Pakistan or Afghanistan we care much much less.


There will be another horror along soon enough. In fact , we probably just had a few in the world as I was typing. It wasn’t near us though, so , you know, no need to worry. Carry on as normal. Which is having to work in order to buy food, clothes and shelter while wages are continually cut alongside public services. It is a war abroad and a war at home. The rich Vs The poor.

“Everyone’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s really an easy way: Stop participating in it.”
Noam Chomsky

“Terrorism is the symptom, not the disease.”

“Of course, there’s an alternative to terrorism: it’s called justice.”
__Arundhati Roy

Hidden Hands Up

I’ll cut beats for bread and bust rhymes for roses
Another scream of consciousness this world composes
I overdose on academic prose ,

sympathetic symphonies arose from a rose on a grave of a slave

and a tomb stone with no name,

what a crazy game to entertain on a one ride train.

Movement through carriages encourages the drawbridges to have steep ridges requiring a hidden hands up .


Hope In An Era of Depression – There’s Billions of Us, We Cannot Lose


My earliest memories of politics in the UK are those of people being deeply depressed, downtrodden and angry. The attitudes always seemed to have been along the line of ‘ what difference can I make? ‘ , ‘ What can you do about it anyway ?’ etc  The statements always revolve around powerlessness , a sense of being small and unimportant . Given that we, the poor, outnumber the richest by incredible numbers, I wonder how we got to this place of desperation ?

The information age solidified all our worst fears, in many ways it was the public opening of Pandora’s box. We now knew for a fact we were being lied to , manipulated and controlled. The advent of calling the rich ‘the elite’ helped to deepen their claws into the public imaginations as untouchable monsters. Justice never reaches into their ranks, and why would it, they are after all The Elite now.

Thing is…they are far from elite. They are constantly on the back-foot all the time. That’s why they are fighting a class war against us in the first place, we scare them. Literally in some cases. Tightening of security in states demonstrates fear of rebellion, uprising or just plain simply a movement of the people for the people. Thus why freedom of speech and the right to protests have been severely declining in the past few decades.

Examples of wins are numerous, though rarely shouted about. If they are, it is usually attributed to one person, an individual , a charismatic leader ( even when the movement did not have one ) This helps the feeling of powerlessness again. ‘ We need another MLK, Malcom X, Rosa Parks, Emma Goldman etc.’ People who achieved great things for sure, but those achievements happened because of the mass movement itself, not the individual . Never the assigned ‘leader’ of the movement.

We aren’t really taught to think about our species in terms of a collective whole . It’s all about individualism within the corporate PR paradigm. That is to say, an empty and selfish individualism that conforms with the status quo the richest desire in society. Yet, mutual aid still runs through our moral fibre. In spite of all the consumerist education, the notion of wealth for self above all else. The out cry over the refugees fleeing conflicts recently is a testament to that .

“TO BE HOPEFUL in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.
And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvellous victory.”
Howard Zinn

Frustration and a sense of powerlessness often lead to people resigning themselves to situations, like poorly paid jobs, for example. How many of you like what you are paid to do every day ? What would you rather be doing ? Why aren’t you doing it ? Lack of money is usually a popular response to the last question. We work, yet we lack the money to improve our lot in life. Always just ‘getting by day to day’ , from one pay check to the next. If that stops, all sorts of bad things start happening. Late credit card bills, arrears payments, failure to pay payments, and of course , incarceration. Everyone understand this because we all live in it , every waking day of our lives.

The internet has broadened the human horizon . Expectations of what we could be / do, is vastly higher than ever before. Governments once offered these potentials as patriotic dreams, to keep us engaged and on page with them, we now see that their dream is our misery, our mundane nightmare of boredom, blood and repetition. It gets harder to fool the masses when they can instantly communicate with one and other all across the globe. I believe we are only at the beginning of how this will change us as a species,  on a global level. Governments and corporations have shown their inability to keep pace with this digital age. Piratebay is one beautiful example of a new power we have, now imagine 3D printers are in every home , like mobile phones. You can just download the plans for what you want from Piratebay without having to pay the corporations. Look at the record and film industry today. Netflix could be seen as a capitulation to this, whilst trying to profit from it . My point is this : that industry has been crippled by things like file sharing. That’s a win. It starts artists and writers discussing new ways, and better ways for them , in terms of content distribution.

This is just the start of something brand new. Governments and corporations still seem clueless as to how to curtail our individual and collective power. Why else would they need so many laws as of late ? The more we win the scarier they are going to appear, the louder their minority of supporters will scream and shout and stomp and say stupid, stupid, stupidly outrageous things. They are no longer relevant in a world where science tells us that our current way of doing things is killing our world. Many of them know this. There is hope in this era of depression – There’s billions of us , we cannot lose.

“The big system can be pretty overwhelming. We know that we can’t beat them by competing with them. What we can do is build small systems where we live and work that serve our needs as we define us and not as they ‘re defined for us. The big boys in their shining armor are up there on castle walls hurling their thunderbolts. We’re the ants patiently carrying sand a grain at a time from under the castle wall. We work from the bottom up. The knights up there don’t see the ants and don’t know what we’re doing. They’ll figure it out only when the wall begins to fall. It takes time and quiet persistence. Always remember this: They fight with money and we resist with time, and they’re going to run out of money before we run out of time”
Utah Phillips

The Self-Servatives

Bitten by a radioactive Tory leader, these young Etonian scaly-wags would develop psychopathic powers beyond the wildest dreams of most mortal business folk.
They would eventually band together to protect the heritage and wealth of the 1%,  they came to be known as….

The Self-Servatives

A Not-So Jaunty Benefits Cap


His wife and child are disabled,

“I care for them very much

and as such

I would greatly appreciate

An end to this campaign of hate

against all of the poor and the needy

Govt have made our lives a living hell.

Largely cos they do whatever the corporations tell.
They’re calling us all lazy and needy

Billionaires so greedy they still want to make more ”

Corruption coils around a rotten core

Can We Still Call This A Democracy ?

Can we still call this a democracy ?
When families go without food ?
When human rights are screwed ?
With a spy state attitude
As courts start to exclude
Justice from their jaws
Fat cats got their claws
Scratching shirts off  backs
An economic hi-jack
That only seeks to stack
The decks in their favour
Smell of piss hard to savour
From their trickle down theory

Democracy was born blind to servants and slaves
Those fallen to early graves due to the escapades of their masters
As pastors profess prophetic parlance pertaining to peace through poverty

Our participation as a nation
Carries the complication
Of our collective isolation
Ever since the creation of capitalism
An economic prison
To glitter and glisten

It seems like a fair deal
til you miss your first meal
Then it all gets real
As you start to feel
How they steal
While we starve
As they carve
The Turkey between themselves
We’re all their fucking elves

Protection of the human rights of all citizens.

Denizens of Downing Street
have killed that beat
hacked off it’s feet
Then onto it’s knees
Killing freedom by degrees

A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.

Stupidly rich,
well connected jerks
with punchable smirks
get away with so much
and as such
are above the law
Examples encore
Every passing day
Our rights fade to grey
In a flagrant display
Of class hate
wreck and ruin
Can’t afford to be suin’ ?
Then you are a shoe in
For the jail cell
Cos you happen to dwell
in a poor postcode

A pyramid scheme
A never ending dream
Of endless cheap labour
A scam
A caper
Victims are we all…