Under Scottish Skies


Under Scottish Skies

Sun light sneaks through the clouds

Peeks on down

Cutting a deal with shadows

A pallet of natures envy streams by my eyes

Glowing and growing under Scottish skies

Castles and rivers, hills and cattle

As this train car rattles along the track

A cemetery surrounded by fields of sheep

Eternal sleep made all the more easy

Passengers read tales from best seller charts

Staff ask if we’d like a drink from the cart

Stress and early rise leads to heavy eyes

Slipping into dreams under Scottish skies

Sleeping Through The Scottish Countryside


Sleeping Through The Scottish Countryside

Sleeping through the Scottish countryside
I glide through clouds of partial dreams
The sparkle of greens in the sunny showers
Until a storm cloud devourers the light of the sky
I close my eyes and listen to the tip tap of rain
Against the pane of glass, like Morse code from nature
Telling us that Summer is coming to an end
We rest at around seventy miles per hour
Forcing seats into uncomfortable beds
Turning jackets in to pillows for our heads
As heavy eye-lids bid the light good night
Sleeping through the Scottish Countryside
Dreaming of the comfort of our own homes
Whilst others read books, some stare at phones
The longer we rest the more tired becomes the day
As the moon takes the night-shift to light up our way
Reaching our destination, we wearily step outside
An end to our sleep through the Scottish Countryside

( Audio version available here – https://soundcloud.com/glen-w-hunter/sleeping-through-the-scottish )